Monday, December 20, 2010

Ciao Roma!

 So this is it, I have spent 4 months traveling and enjoying italy, and I finally head home tomorrow.  I think I have done everything humanly possible to get as much as I can out of this experience and to do everything there is to do.  And man am I tired! Im ready to go home and so grateful for what I have been able to do here.  Im sure I will miss my adventures here and all the fun and different things I have experienced.  I know this trip has changed my attitudes on a lot of things, but I know I have grown a lot during it.  I cant wait to be home in a little more than a day and sleep in my own bed and enjoy my family.  Here are some of the very last pictures of Joelle and I's adventures through Rome.  I think in the 4 days she was here, we saw all the highlights of rome and did as much as we could too, a great way to end my stay and say goodbye to rome.
last gelato: chocolate, hazelnut, walnut
joelle enjoying her swordfish pizza
We went to a soccer game! It was incredible and really exciting
It was tied 2-2 until the last 2 minutes when the home team (our team) scored and won! so exciting

Olympic pool at the olympic complex in Rome
joelle in front of a big monument to Vittorio 
Hot chocolate and pastries.  mmmm italy
Inside the Colosseum
Can you tell we had fun?
In front of the forum
Ciao Romaaaaaaaaaa
Thanks for reading, Hope you enjoyed it!!!

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